COVID-19 Updates

Last day to order for delivery by Dec. 24th: Dec. 14th

Creswell Outlet Shop: CLOSED

Online Shop: OPEN

Free Shipping on All Orders: ACTIVE

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the outlet shop in Creswell will be closed indefinitely. However I plan to keep our online shop open for the foreseeable future. I am offering FREE shipping on ALL orders placed through for the entire length of the closure. This page will hopefully serve to answer some frequently asked questions about how my operations have changed.

Do you offer local pick-up?

At this time I will not be offering local pick-up. This is a crucial time for flattening the curve and I feel more comfortable offering free shipping on all orders, local and non-local. The more we can stay home, the more lives we can save.

Are there currently any delays on orders?

At this time processing times are nearly back to normal. However, USPS still seems to be struggling with the occasional package which can add a one to two day delay.

What is your return policy during the closure?

Returns and exchanges are now being accepted. Please do not hesitate to contact me ( about any apparel questions including measurements, fit, etc. I know online apparel shopping is always a risk when it comes to fit, but I recommend comparing our size charts versus those of your favorite brands to get a feel for how ours might fit.

What precautions are you taking at the shop?

Since the shop has been closed, Alex and I have staggered our days at the shop to avoid contact. We have also significantly limited our travel to the shop in an effort to work from our homes as much as possible. All orders are handled by me personally, so the contents inside your box will only have been handled by one person. I am following CDC guidelines whenever possible including frequent hand washing, surface sanitizing, and wearing a mask when dropping packages off at the Post Office.

I greatly appreciate every single one of you who has continued to support CD Originals through these crazy times. Let’s keep up our hard work on flattening the curve so we can get back to awesome adventures!

Dillon Crippen – Owner CD Originals